“Women who leave their jobs are often forced to do so.” Discuss

I came across the above intriguing prompt in Social Media today and I decided to give my opinion on this in few words.
In a world where everyone strives to survive, women face the maximum number of difficulties. The main reason being the unreasonable expectations that our society puts forward for all the women. I have noticed that a woman in our society is manipulated to please others from the beginning of her life, first in her maternal home she is expected to please her family members by getting married to a groom of their choice , after that in her in-laws house she is expected to please those family members by bearing a child and then she is expected to give up her career for the sake of her children. There is never an end to this vicious cycle.
These are some of ways how women are coerced into leaving their jobs in an urban household. In most Indian households, people pretend to be liberal but in real they are a staunch believer of patriarchy. These people indirectly in a passive aggressive way try to prevent women from working. Emotional blackmail plays a significant role here. This creates a virtual pressure on women and gets them thinking about leaving their jobs for the betterment of their families. However at their subconscious mind they know that they can balance both but the emotional pressure from her own family members become a barrier and thus, they end of leaving their jobs.

I strongly believe that women are the most headstrong people and they can achieve what they set their mind to and no one can force her to do anything. However, there exists an emotional aspect in all her decisions and while doing anything she considers the implications of her decisions. Then to add fuel to the fire , there exists people like I mentioned above.
Thus, by stating these facts I emphasise the fact that how indirectly women are forced to leave their jobs.

However, there exist another type of women who simply bow down to what they are told. I consider these women to be staunch believers of patriarchy too, it is because they are letting it prevail. I simply do not understand that how these women , some of them being well educated let other people force them to sacrifice their career.
Thus I would like to conclude by saying that ,it is high time that women stand up for themselves and stop sacrificing their happiness for other people.

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