Independence means “ free from any force that was binding upon us”. At least to me it means this.  I think independence is one of the most important aspects of our lives. We all must agree that we are all truly blessed that we are a part of an independent country where our opinions matter and our existence hold a value.

It is very important to be independent in today’s world as to be honest everything depends upon our capability these days. Whatever we do on our own there’s a bit of independence attached to it. That’s why after doing things independently we tend to feel a bit proud. For example, when we get a new job or receive our first salary, we feel proud of ourselves. Have we ever sat down and wondered the reason why? It is because we are finally independent. Of course, this is the last realization we all have, or we do not realize at all. But in our subconscious mind we always wonder the reason for us to be so happy? Well, the above is the actual reason. Independence is nothing without being independent.

As I mentioned earlier that we all are very lucky to be born in an independent nation , there are some countries that do not have this privilege. In fact, even we did not have this privilege few years back. I feel this privilege is very important, but we do not value its importance much. Now the reason for us not valuing this opportunity is because we take it for granted and do not understand it’s importance.  But I feel that it should not be taken for granted at all. We do not imagine the consequences of being backed by an external power as some of us have never faced it and we do not know the consequences of it. But our previous generations understand it as they can compare the scenario’s now and at their times. Independence and liberty give us so many opportunities that they have not even experienced in their childhood. Our and their childhood is different. When the British used to rule over us there were so many restrictions that people had like they could not go to the schools, restaurants and hotels they wanted to. Without independence, the country is as rigid as a rock.

Thus, we must all thank our stars for being lucky enough to born independent and we must all understand it’s essence and value it’s importance.

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